How Big Is WordPress Really?

We get asked this question often…

How Big Is WordPress Really

The Answer is BIG.  Look at the Info-Graphic below. It was designed by

WordPress is now the world’s most popular website building platform.

Wordpress Website

But What Exactly Is WordPress?

If you are not sure, it is recommended that you visit the Word Press Academy at

In the first two videos you will learn :

1. What WordPress is and what it is used for.

In this way you will know more about WordPress and you’ll have an idea on how to use it if you want to build your own blog.

2. In Video two you will learn the difference between vs.
You will also learn the pros and the cons of each so that you can easily decide which of the two should you choose for your own site!

BUT...if you are a business owner and you want to build your OWN website – for yourself – for your own business – you should get the business course at The Web University. You can visit HERE.

The name of the course is : Learn How To Build A “Million Dollar Looking” Website For Your Business – and it only cost a few bucks!

Here Is The Info-Graphic
