Get Your Own Muzik News License Here…

The Business-In-A-Box Everyone Is Talking About!

It is called: Muzik News.

As crazy as it may sound, this is one of the smartest “money-making” licenses in South Africa right now!

Some say it is a legally way to ”Print Money” and they may be right!

We like the sound of that: printing your own money!SACE Muzik News Package

Yes, it is a brilliant business idea, but before you start spending the cash you are about to earn, lets see if you qualify for one of these Muzik News licenses. It is a project approved by the SA Chamber of Entrepreneurs (SACE) so it comes with a 100% guarantee!

FIRST: Answer these 4 questions:

1. Do you have a PC that can burn or write music to CD discs?

2. Can you follow the steps in the 7 videos we will give you – they will show you how to work with these special music files?

3. Do you have a sell-phone number were you can receive a voice or SMS message for COD (Cash On Delivery) orders. Or do you have an office telephone number where orders for your music discs can be placed – also on COD?

4. Did you read the PDF information document and do you understand that you will receive a special license to make LEGAL copies of the music tracks (nearly 1000) you will receive AND that you can “swap” them for cash?

If your answer is YES to all 4 these questions, then please answer one last question.

What are you waiting for?

Download the Muzik News Info Pack Below. There is absolutely no obligation, it is free and your email address is save with us:

Get The Muzik News Info Pack Here


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Here is a promise!

You have never seen anything like this before AND you are going to LOVE every single minute running and making money with this business.TEST BOX - Example_UplaodAt last a business you can run full time or part time, from the comfort of your own home, and still make 300 – 500% profit immediately!

All you need is this Muzik News Package & License we are about to send you. Everything will be explained inside the Muzik News PDF information document.

We recommend that you print it out and read it carefully.

  • On page 1 and 2 you will see what this is all about.
  • On page 3 and 4 is the legal MUSIC stuff and how it works.
  • Page 6, 7 and 8 explains the license and how to turn it into easy cash.
  • Page 9 and 10 gives you a layout of this business structure and how you will get paid on a daily or weekly basis – it is your choice.
  • On page 10 is the application form to apply for your license to be issued to you or to a company you want to nominate.

This invitation is brought to you by: The SA Chamber of Entrepreneurs. We have already help 1000’s of people in South Africa to start a business of their own – today it is your turn!

We would hate to see that you miss this. Please act now – only a limited number of licenses will be issued in South Africa.

Get the info pack here:

Get The Muzik News Info Pack Here


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We look forward to welcome you on board. Once you have downloaded the info pack, all you have to do is to give us the go-ahead to issue your license. It will take you about three minutes!

Thank you!