Start Your Own Local Business Practice In 24 Hours

Who Else Wants A Successful Business Practice?

How would you like to get paid every time people make an appointment to speak to you on the phone?

This is not a joke…

I am dead serious. This is easy to do. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you stay – you can get paid too.

My name is Thomas Le Grange and in a few seconds, I will show you something incredible. Just read below.

Here Is What I Want You Will Do:

You will help Local Business Owners to make a transition from advertising off-line to advertising online so that people who want to hire them can find them WITHOUT a old yellow pages book.

***[A Local Business Owner is the Plumber, Car Dealer, Dentist, Lawyer, Painter, Building Contractor, Hair Salon, Pizza Place and even the Pool Cleaner and Dog Walker in the area were you live. (It is basically every small business)]


It Is Easy To Do:

Here is how I will help you. I have already duplicated my ENTIRE system into a few special “business-in-a-box” units. I want to give you one of these business units.

I will help you and show you exactly how to run this business. And yes, the money you will earn is good – it is very good. In fact, it is better than good – so don’t worry about it – you will love it.

I will teach you how to become an expert; and as you know, right now, in the 21ste century, it is the experts who walk away with the BIG CHEQUES, not the jack-of-all-trades.

Let me give you a little insight into what you will find in each “business-in-a-box” unit.

The FIRST and critical part of this system is called my COFFEE APPOINTMENT SYSTEM:


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  • You will receive an exact duplicate of my online platform [DEMO:], where business owners make a Phone Call Appointment with me in exchange for a digital cup of coffee.
  • When you have your own COFFEE APPOINTMENT SYSTEM, they will make a Phone Call Appointment with you, and you will get paid directly.
  • I use British Pounds (£) for a payment currency with PayPal, but you may decide differently- and its fine. Personally, I just found that business owners pay £2.50 easily. Easier than, for example, R40 or R50.
  • You can choose your own Domain Name, and I will then buy the Domain Name for you and register it for you – in your own entity – internationally.
  • I do this so your new platform becomes 100% yours and your own asset. [You can always sell it later for a profit on the open market if you wish].
  • You will get 100% access to the back-office part of your new site [platform], where you can edit everything on it you want.
  • I will arrange premium hosting for you – on a special hosting platform – for a small monthly fee – so you will not have to lift a finger. As a bonus, the first 61 days of hosting is free.
  • I will give you the complete step-by-step guides to show you exactly how and what to edit on your site (Coffee Appointment System) to make it more personal if you want it to be.
  • I will give you a collection of letters, emails, flyers, and postcard templates you can edit and use. They will drive targeted visitors to your new online coffee appointment system.
  • I will give you the exact telephone script(s) I use for every phone call. There is a short version and a long version.
  • When you see the scripts, you will understand why there is two versions. You can use them as-is or you can edit them in any way you like. It is powerful and easy to follow.
  • These scripts will also lead you and your caller(s) to the follow-up services [the money services] that will give you the main income stream(s) this system offers [read how this work below].
  • When we start a business to work for ourselves, we do it to make money. This is the main purpose for all entrepreneurs – other than providing needed services and products to our clients, obviously.
  • You will be the principal owner of your own Local Business Consultant practice. You will get paid for your skills, knowledge, products, and services.
  • I will give you the training, videos, coaching, and guides to show you exactly how this works and what you need to do.
  • The first step in your own business will be to get visitors to your site and then to secure phone appointments with them. Re: See the video on the coffee appointment system site again at:
  •  To get your “callers” [coffee buyers] to buy your money services is easy. You only have to follow the steps in the scripts and sales funnel. Don’t worry – I will give you everything, and I will teach you.
  • By the way, the use of Sales Funnels is part of a system in which you will soon become an expert.
  • I will show you exactly how this works, and you will get access to all the products and services your “callers” [coffee buyers] will need and would want to buy from you.
  •  Your business practice will be like any other business. You will offer a combination of products and services to your clients to help them attract more and better quality customers into their businesses.
  • On average, these products and services can earn you anything from as little as R1000 for basic services [maybe something like an online directory listing] to more involved services and high-ticket priced products that will earn you R7000+.
  • My commitment to you is to give you everything you need and to be your mentor and coach to help you learn the skills that will make you the expert your clients would like you to become.
  • Let’s be realistic – you can’t become and guru overnight. But that’s not what is required from you here – far from it.
  • Think about it this way: When you work at a new job, at a new company, do you know everything about this new job on day one? No you don’t – and you don’t have to.
  • All that is required from you, at this point, is to believe in yourself, prepare to learn a few basic skills, and then send out the letters to get traffic to your coffee appointment system.
  • Next, follow the system (sales funnel) and telephone script, and the rest will happen automatically.
  • You can earn decent money from day one. Rest assured, it is easy to do and you need no special skills for this.
  • As you grow your business, your skill level will increase and so will your earnings.

Are you ready?


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